Get your members excited about using their Visa cards the 2018 NFL National Promotion. With this annual promotion designed to drive incremental card usage, your credit union can capitalize on the passion and loyalty of National Football League (NFL) fans. The promotion offers cardholders an exclusive experience with the NFL, while delivering on the position of "Wherever you want to be, Visa helps you get there." Customizable print and digital marketing materials will be easily available to inform your cardholders about the chance to win!
Cardholders who make eligible purchases with their Visa card between 1 September 2018 and 15 November 2018 will be automatically entered for a chance to win the Ultimate Fan Experience. The more they use their Visa card, the more chances they'll have to win.1
Supporting promotional materials and creative assets designed to drive consumer excitement are available for order now. Most can be customized with your financial institution's logo or card artwork.
Materials include statement inserts, posters, take ones and tent cards, plus digital marketing materials such as web banners, mobile-optimized email template and social media posts. Visit Visa Fulfillment for more details, including pricing and ordering information.
Note: All custom pieces must go through the International NFL for approval. Please allow at least 10 business days for review. Refer to the ordering scenarios for Key Dates to ensure timely delivery of your order.