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Written by Cyndie Martini
on March 07, 2023

Cashierless checkout, sometimes called "just walk out" technology popularized by Amazon, allows customers to visit a retail store, load items into their bags, and walk out. This completely bypasses the traditional checkout lines. The main appeal is the convenience of not waiting for a cashier.

Cashierless checkout does vary depending on the retailer. Right now, Amazon has the most advanced technology. Its Fresh grocery stores and Go convenience stores allow customers to load items into their bags and simply walk out. There's no cashier or swiping involved. Amazon accomplishes this feat through cameras mounted in the ceilings and electronic shelving systems. When the customer passes through a gate at the store's exit, they are charged for the items.

Walmart uses a technology called "Scan & Go." It isn't as streamlined as Amazon's technology but still provides convenience over traditional checkout lines. To use it, customers scan items on their mobile phones using the Walmart app. They check out by visiting a cashierless register. The register pops up a QR code scanned by the phone to complete the checkout.

Many customers have yet to embrace the technology. This is due to problems with early versions of cashierless checkout that were more of a hassle than a convenience to use. And some customers are simply more comfortable using a human cashier. However, with many of the early problems worked out and the large migration to digital transactions because of the pandemic, cashierless checkout technology is gaining pace.

A December 2022 report found that 51% of customers expect self-service kiosks when they shop. Another 2022 study found that consumers cited self-checkout as the most used technology to enhance the in-store shopping experience.

To remain competitive, retailers will need to consider cashierless checkout technology. However, some smaller retailers may find implementing such technology prohibitive because of cost.

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