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Written by Cyndie Martini
on April 10, 2019

Once customers learn about your mobile and online banking presence, you're likely to see a reduction in cost. This comes from the fact that fewer people need to interact with an employee of the company to accomplish basic tasks. It also assumes customers will have great mobile and online banking experiences.

Getting The Word Out

The first place to start promoting your mobile and online banking is with existing customers. Promoting to existing customers will be far less costly than promoting to new customers. The main reason is that ads aren't necessary. These existing customers are already within the bank's ecosystem. There will still be costs associated with reaching offline customers, but it will be far less than the cost of ads.

Existing customers can be reached at points of contact. These include:

Inside a bank branch. When a customer walks into a branch, posters and popups on counters should announce that mobile and online banking access is available. Then show how to reach these resources with instructions on where to get the mobile app and the bank's URL. Add a bar code as well, which will allow customers to quickly scan the code on their phones and be brought to the location of the app or website.

Include in regular mailings. When regular mailings go out to customers, insert a flyer about your mobile and online banking using the same techniques as mentioned above. This campaign should be effective for reaching customers who do not go to bank branches.

Phone calls from the customer to the bank's customer service. When a customer dials customer service, and after their problem has been handled, the representative should recognize if the issue could have been handled by the mobile or online banking website. If so, the rep should ask the customer if they are aware of these resources. Don't overdo it though. Customers won't like being sold to every time they call customer support.

Existing customers are already loyal and have a relationship with the bank, which reduces friction to any type of advertising directly from the bank. Promoting your mobile and online banking presence to them is an effective and cost-efficient way to grow the use of these great resources.


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