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Written by Cyndie Martini
on February 02, 2018

How Your Online Banking Platform  Effects the Customer Experience-Mapacific.jpg


The digital landscape means your online presence needs to be on point. If your online banking platform is lacking, your customers might start to look elsewhere. By taking a look at what customers most want, you can begin to create a platform that addresses all their needs.


Most people carry their financial institutions with them in their pocket. Phones not only just connect people to family and friends anymore, but they also connect them to their financial partners. Banking is a 24/7 activity now, and 62 percent of people in the United States said their primary method of banking is online.


Member Access Pacific (MAP) offers a suite of online banking options designed specifically for credit unions. Your members will not only be able to check account information and receive statements online, but they will also have the added benefit of transaction alerts. These alerts are in real-time and give an extra layer of security to prevent fraud. Your members will appreciate the ability to customize alerts to fit their lifestyles, and your credit union will appreciate the reduction in fraud this feature provides.


Along with added security, MAP’s online banking tools also offer convenience for your members as well as your credit union. Visa Checkout allows online shoppers to speed up the checkout process through one, secure single sign-on feature. This feature enables them to buy items without having to re-enter payment and shipping information with each purchase, saving vital time.


Developer Solutions provide the convenience of incorporating Visa functionality across all of your credit union’s online application. This technology offers a selection of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) that will allow you to implement options such as a variety payment options, risk and fraud benefits, data and analytics, as well as loyalty and offers for your membership.


MAP’s online platform products and services are easy to implement. Our team will work with you to determine which options best fit your membership and to make the implementation process a smooth transition. Once your online banking is fully functional, you will see an increase in member loyalty by providing a product that meets and exceeds expectations.


In addition to increasing loyalty and strengthening your relationship with your membership, you will also be competitive with other financial institutions. Nearly 70 percent of Generation Xers and millennials are likely to use online banking not only for managing their account information but also for opening new accounts. By providing these options, your credit union has the ability to appeal to a broad demographic and grow its membership.


Whether it's a laptop, desktop or smartphone offering an online banking platform is essential to your credit union's success. Ensure your online banking has everything your members are looking for by contacting MAP today.


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