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What It Means to Have a World Class NPS
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Written by Karl Kaluza
on March 12, 2024

On February 26, 2024, Member Access Processing (MAP) received a World Class NPS score with a value of +92 (out of 100) for 2023. +80 or higher is considered “world class”, according to NPS originators Bain & Company. MAP has maintained “world class” status since it started tracking NPS in 2017.

Research from Qualtrics XM Institute found that the grocery industry had an average NPS of 30, the Video streaming sector was 29, while the consumer payments industry’s average was -6.

What is NPS?

NPS stands for Net Promoter Score. It provides a way to measure how much customer's are likely to recommend your company to a friend or relative.

NPS works by asking the question: How likely are you to recommend this company to a friend or relative. Customers are provided with a rating from 0 to 10. A score of 0 means "not likely at all" and a score of 10 means "extremely likely". The rating is broken down into the following categories:

0-6: Detractors

7/8: Passives

9/10: Promoters

The score is calculated as follows: % promoters - % detractors. As an example, let's say your company surveys 100 customers. They are split across the following categories:

35% promoters

50% passives

15% detractors

The above is calculated as 35% - 15% = 20% x 100 = 20. Scores can range from -100 to +100. The score alone isn't too helpful. It's the trend over time that companies want to focus on. It will show if efforts are increasing or decreasing their NPS.

To dig further into NPS, companies can ask customers why they chose their score. The question can be open-ended. While open-ended questions aren't really quantifiable, they can still provide valuable feedback. The company can then followup on responses, which can lead to yet more valuable information.

NPS is a very action-oriented process. It requires gathering data to build the score, analyzing scores, asking followup questions, responding to those followups, and then repeating the cycle.


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